A highlight means that this paper is very “near and dear” to our research program.
68. Appiah, G, Cooney, B, Kaufman, M, and Andris, C (2024) Public, Private, Personal: Shifting Patterns in Spatial Data Sources in used in Geospatial Research. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-17.
67. [PDF] Andris C (2024) Social Life and Interpersonal Relationships in Environment and Planning B. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 51(5), 1055-1058. [PDF]
66. [PDF] Kelly J, Sarkar D, and Andris C (2024) Locality, Personal Ties, and Efficiency in a Food Security Network. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-12. [PDF]
66 –>This paper is fun because we visualized the route factor and invented the local flattening ratio and k-fulfillment metrics. Those things help us localize places with tight-knit nodes.
65. [PDF] Sarkar D, Gogarten JF, Liang X, Andris C, Opito EA, Valenta K, and Chapman CA (2024) Impacts of COVID-19 on Biodiversity Conservation and Community Networks at Kibale National Park, Uganda. The Professional Geographer, 76(2), 119-132. [PDF]
64. [PDF] Andris C, Koylu C, and Porter MA (2023) Human-Network Regions as Effective Geographic Units For Disease Mitigation. EPJ Data Science, 12(1), 60. [PDF]
64 –> Wow!! This data was harder to wrangle than it looks…but it gives some evidence that commuter regions should be used instead of states for “containing” disease.
63. [PDF] Sinclair AH, Taylor MK, Brandel-Tanis F, Davidson A, Chande AT, Rishishwar L, and Beckett SJ (2023) Communicating COVID-19 Exposure Risk with an Interactive Website Counteracts Risk Misestimation. PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0290708. [PDF]
62. [PDF] Lee, S and Andris, C (2023) Place Social Diversity: A New Attribute for Points of Interest In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM’23). https://doi. org/10.17605/OSF. IO/6YR5V [PDF] Play with the map: Pink means diverse.
61. [PDF] Liang X, Baker J, DellaPosta D, and Andris C (2023) Is Your Neighbor Your Friend? Scan Methods for Spatial Social Network Hotspot Detection. Transactions in GIS, 27(3), 607-625. [PDF]
61 –> This paper introduces a new concept of “cluster” where points have to be nearby AND connected to be considered a cluster. It’s not as fancy as advanced point pattern analysis, but it gives a new definition. And of course, Mafia data…
60. [PDF] Franklin RS, Delmelle EC, Andris C, Cheng T, Dodge S, Franklin J, and Wentz EA (2023) Making Space in Geographical Analysis. Geographical Analysis, 55(2), 325-341. [PDF]
59. [PDF] Beckett SJ, Brandel-Tanis FA, Nguyen Q, Chande AT, Rishishwar L, Andris C, and Weitz JS (2023) Localcovid19now: Processing and Mapping COVID-19 Case Data at Subnational Scales. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(81), 4898. [PDF]
58. [PDF] Narechania A, Endert A, and Andris C (2023) Resiliency: A Consensus Data Binning Method (Short Paper). In:12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 277, pp. 55:1-55:7, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2023). [PDF]
58 –> Can’t decide on a binning method? Average them out!
57. Andris C and Sarkar D Social Networks in Space Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences, Ed. Rachel Franklin and Sergio Rey, Edward Elgar, 400-415.
56. [PDF] Zhang Y, Sun Y, Gaggiano JD, Kumar N, Andris C, and Parker AG (2022) Visualization Design Practices in a Crisis: Behind the Scenes with COVID-19 Dashboard Creators. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(1), 1037-1047. [PDF]
55. Liang X and Andris C (2022) Measuring McCities: Landscapes of Chain and Independent Restaurants in the United States. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(2), 585-602. doi:10.1177/23998083211014896. [PDF] and [Supplementary Information].
54. [PDF] Bendeck A and Andris C (2022) Text Mining and Spatial Analysis of Yelp Data to Support Socially Vibrant Cities Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Urban Computing URBCOMP ’22, held in conjunction with the 28th ACM SIGKDD 2022, Washington DC, 15 Aug. [PDF]
53. [PDF] Psyllidis A, Gao S, Hu Y, Kim E-K, McKenzie G, Purves R, Yuan M and Andris C (2022) Points of Interest (POI): A Commentary on the State of the Art, Challenges, and Prospects for the Future. Computational Urban Science, 2(1), 1-13. [PDF]
52. [PDF] Liang X, Lee S, Chen H, de la Peña B and Andris C (2022) Characteristics of Jetters and Little Boxes: An Extensibility Study Using the Neighborhood Connectivity Survey. Social Inclusion, 10(3). Ahead of print, Open Access. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v10i3.5366.
51. [PDF] Andris C and Lee S (2021) Romantic Relationships and the Built Environment: A Case Study of a US College Town. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 1-22. (Online first). [PDF] and [Supplementary Information]
50. [PDF] Ye, X and Andris C (2021) Spatial Social Networks in Geographic Information Science. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-5. (Editorial introduction to special issue). [PDF]
49. Andris C, Koylu C and Porter MA (2021) Human-Network Regions as Effective Geographic Units for Disease Mitigation. Oct 16. SocArXiv: doi:10.31235/osf.io/4mp6x. Open Access.
48. [PDF] Andris, C. (2021) Data Action: Using Data for Public Good: Sarah Williams (2020). MIT Press, 312 pages, $39.95 (hardcover). Book review for Journal of the American Planning Association. Published online: 24 Nov 2021. [PDF]
47. Andris C, DellaPosta D, Freelin B N, Zhu X, Hinger B and Chen H (2021) To Racketeer Among Neighbors: Spatial Features of Criminal Collaboration in the American Mafia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2021.1884869. [PDF]
46. Andris C and O’Sullivan D (2021) Spatial Network Analysis. In: The Handbook of Regional Science, 2nd edition, (eds. Fischer M and Nijkamp P). pp. 1727-1750. [PDF]
45. Andris C, Liu X, Mitchell J, Van Cleve J and O’Dwyer J (2021) Threads Across the Urban Fabric: Youth Mentorship Relationships as Neighborhood Bridges. Journal of Urban Affairs. 43(1): 77-92. Special Issue on Cities, Networks, & Urban Policy, (eds. Neal Z and Derudder B). [PDF]
44. Chande A, Lee S, Harris M, Nguyen Q, Beckett SJ, Hilley T, Andris C and Weitz J (2020) Real-time, Interactive Website for US County Level COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment. Nature Human Behaviour. 4 (12): 1313-1319. Open Access. (see map here).
43. Andris C, Ayers E, Grossner K, Hu Y, Hart K, Thatcher J … and Giordano A (2020) Panel Paper: Towards Geospatial Humanities: Reflections from Two Panels. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. 14(1-2):6-26. (Authors alphabetical; led by Dr. Giordano.)
42. McKenzie G, Keßler C and Andris C (2019) Geospatial Privacy and Security. Journal of Spatial Information Science. 2019(19): 53-55. Open Access. (Editorial)
41. Andris C (2019) Book Review: Spatial Regression Models for the Social Sciences (Guangqing Chi and Jun Zhu). Environment and Planning B. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808319887562. [PDF]
40. Andris C, Cavallo S, Dzwonczyk E, Clemente-Harding L, Hultquist C and Ozanne M (2019) Mapping the Distribution and Spread of Social Ties Over Time: A Case Study Using Facebook Friends. Connections: Journal of the International Network for Social Network Analysis. 1(39): 1-17. [PDF]
39. Andris C, Godfrey B, Maitland C and McGee M (2019) The Built Environment and Syrian Refugee Integration in Turkey: An Analysis of Mobile Phone Data. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, Nov 5, Chicago, Ill. Article 4. [PDF]
38. Liu X, Andris C and Rahimi S (2019) Place Niche and its Regional Variability: Measuring Spatial Context Patterns for Points of Interest with Representation Learning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 75: 146-160. [PDF]
37. Liu X, Andris C, Huang X and Rahimi S (2019) Inside 50,000 Living Rooms: An Assessment of Global Residential Ornamentation using Transfer Learning. EPJ Data Science. 8: 1-4. Open Access.
36. Andris C, Liu X and Ferreira Jr. J (2018) Challenges for Social Flows. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 70: 197-207. [PDF]
35. Liu X, Chen H and Andris C (2018) trajGANs: Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Geo-privacy Protection of trajectory data (Vision Paper). In Proceedings of Location Privacy and Security Workshop (LoPAS ’18) at GIScience. [PDF]
34. Andris C (2018) Measuring Geographic Pull Power: A Case Study of College Athletics. The Professional Geographer. 70(3): 476-490. [PDF]
33. Liu X, Hollister R and Andris C (2018) Wealthy Hubs and Poor Chains: Constellations in the U.S. Urban Migration System. In: Perez L, Kim EK, Sengupta R (eds) Agent-Based Models and Complexity Science in the Age of Geospatial Big Data. Advances in Geographic Information Science. Springer. Pp. 73-86. [PDF]
32. Rahimi S, Liu X and Andris C (2017) Using Yelp to Find Romance in the City: A Case of Restaurants in Four Cities. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS ’16). Nov 11, Los Angeles, CA. [PDF]
31. Pistner M and Andris C (2017) Measuring Attraction and Redistribution of Institution-Based Movements. In Proceedings of Geocomputation 2017. Sept 6-8, Leeds, UK. [PDF]
30. Rahimi S, Martin M J R, Obeysekere E, Hellmann D, Liu X and Andris C (2017) A Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Analysis of Social Capital Data: Landscape Factors That Correlate with Trust. Sustainability. 9(3): 365. [PDF]
29. Andris C and Ruescas J (2017) Zootopia: Everything in Motion. Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies. 7(1): 141-144. [PDF]
28. Andris C (2017) Book Review: Modeling Cities and Regions as Complex Systems: From Theory to Planning Applications. Environment and Planning B. 44(2): 385-386. [PDF]
27. Rahimi S, Liu X and Andris C (2016) Hidden Style in the City: An Analysis of Geolocated Airbnb Rental Images in Ten Major Cities. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS ’16), Oct 31, Burlingame, CA. [PDF]
26. Liu X and Andris C (2016) Migrant Routing the U.S. Urban System. In Proceedings of GIScience, Sept 27, Montreal. [PDF]
25. Andris C, Alder L, Atwater C, Van Cleve J and O’Dwyer J (2016) Assessing an Educational Mentorship Program in an Urban Context. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Open Access. [PDF]
24. Andris C (2016) A Computational Model for Dyadic Relationships. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI ’16), Invited Paper, Jul 28, Pittsburgh, PA. 565–573. [PDF]
23. Andris C (2016) Integrating Social Network Data into GISystems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 31(1): 2009-2031. [PDF]
22. Andris C (2015) LBSN and the Social Butterfly Effect. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN ’15), Nov 6, Bellevue, WA. [PDF]
21. Andris C and Cook C (2015) Using Migration Degree to Distinguish Post-Industrial U.S. Cities. In Proceedings of Computing in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM) Jul 7-10, Cambridge, MA. [PDF]
20. Andris C and Andris Z (2015) Exploring Institution-Driven Mobility. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 3rd Annual Workshop on Human Mobility Computing (HuMoComP ’15), Jun 15, Pittsburgh, PA. Pp. 62-67 [PDF]
19. Andris C, Frey N, Van Cleve J and O’Dwyer J (2015) Geocomputation Methods for Dyadic Relationships. In Proceedings of Geocomputation 2015. May 20-23, Dallas, TX. Pp. 20-23. [PDF]
18. Andris C, Lee D, Hamilton MJ, Martino M, Gunning CE and Selden JA (2015) The Rise of Partisanship and Super-Cooperators in the U.S. House of Representatives. PLOS ONE, 10(4):e0123507. [PDF]
17. Wang Y, Kang C, Bettencourt LMA, Yu L and Andris C (2015) Linked Activity Spaces: A New Approach for Spatializing Social Networks. In: Helbich M, Arsanjani J, and Leitner M (eds). Computational Approaches for Urban Environments. Heidelberg: Springer. Pp. 313-335. [PDF]
16. Andris C (2014) Relevant Literature for Examining Social Networks in Geographic Space. Santa Fe Institute Working Paper. SFI WORKING PAPER: 2014-04-010. Open Access.[PDF]
15. Andris C and Bettencourt LMA (2014) Development, Information and Social Connectivity in Côte d’Ivoire. Infrastructure Complexity. 1(1): 1-18. Open Access.
14. Andris C and Ferreira J (2014) Visualizing Commuting in Singapore. Environment and Planning A. 46(11): 2543-2545. [PDF]
13. Andris C, Wittenbach J and Cowen D (2013) Support Vector Machine for Spatial Variation. Transactions in GIS. 17(1): 41-61. [PDF]
12. Andris C (2012) Neighborhood Differentiation and Travel Patterns in Singapore. Technical Report, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) – Future Urban Mobility Internal Research Group, 1-39. [PDF]
11. Guo D, Zhu X, Jin H, Gao P and Andris C (2012) Discovering Spatial Patterns in Origin-Destination Mobility Data. Transactions in GIS. (3): 411-429. Open Access.
10. Andris C, Halverson S and Hardisty F (2011) Predicting Migration Dynamics with Conditional and Posterior Probabilities. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographic Knowledge Discovery (ICDSM ’11). Jun 29-Jul 1, Fuzhou, Fujian, P. R. China, 192-197. [PDF]
9. Andris C (2011) Weighted Radial Variation for Node Feature Classification. [arXiv: 1102.4873v1 physics.data-an] Open Access.
8. Andris C (2011) Methods and Metrics for Social Distance. Doctoral Dissertation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. [PDF]
7. Liu L, Andris C, Biderman A and Ratti C (2010) Revealing a Taxi Driver’s Mobility Intelligence Through his Trace. In: Wachowicz, M (ed). Movement Aware Applications for Sustainability Mobility: Technologies and Approaches. Hershey: IGI Global. Pp. 105-120. [PDF]
6. Liu L, Andris C and Ratti C (2010) Uncovering Cabdriver Behavior Patterns from their Digital Traces. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 34(6): 541-548. [PDF]
5. Martino M, Calabrese F, DiLorenzo G, Andris C, Liu L and Ratti C (2010) An ocean of information: Fusing Aggregate & Individual Dynamics for Metropolitan Areas. In Proceedings of the 14th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’10). Feb 7-10, Hong Kong, China, 357-360. [PDF]
4. Ratti C, Sobolevsky S, Calabrese F, Andris C, Reades J, Martino M, Claxton R and Strogatz S (2010) Redrawing the Map of Great Britain from a Network of Human Interactions. PLOS ONE. 5(12). Open Access. [Youtube]
3. Andris C and Austin T (2009) Alternative Financing for Schools. Land Development. 22(2).
2. Andris C, Biderman A, Calabrese F, Nabian N and Ratti C (2009) City Gravity. Seed Magazine. 24-26 (invited).
1. Andris C (2008) Interactive Site Suitability Modeling. ArcUser 11(1). Open Access.
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Where We Would Go: Reported Household Plans in Emergency Situations