Geographic Information Systems and Computation (CS 4803-GIS) CRN 34204

Draft Syllabus
MON, WED 2-3:15, Student Success Center
Spring 2025, 3 Credit Hours


Introduction to computing with spatial datasets, including lessons on geographic information fundamentals, projections, spatial operations, raster and imagery data analysis, and cartographic design principles that are used to digitally model social and environmental processes.

Instructor and Teaching Assistants

Dr. Clio Andris, Email:
TA: Andrew Dowdy

Possible Threads (Note, this is a special topics course and not officially approved under any threads!)

There are no prerequisites for this course, although knowledge of Python is recommended. Students cannot get credit for this course and CP 4510 (Fundamentals of GIS). Students cannot get credit for this course and CP 6514 (Introduction to Geographic Information Systems). CP 4510 use the ArcGIS Software Suite (ArcPro), whereas this class focuses on scripting and open-source tools.


The primary objective for this course is to expose computer science students to maps, data analysis and methods in Geographic Information Systems and Science (GIS). The course will help students learn the fundamentals of spatial data representation, formats, map projections, GIS operations and computing, cartography, and multi-criteria decision-making. Students are welcome to use a technology of their choice (such as Python), but labs will be primarily taught in the open source Quantum GIS (QGIS) computing environment.

This course teaches students how to make maps using geodata visualization strategies and cartographic standards. It also teaches geoprocessing using the programming using Python in QGIS. Students will learn how to write scripts and amend scripts for reading in, processing, and analyzing spatial datasets.

Course Objectives

  1. Learn about how spatial data is collected, stored, retrieved and used
  2. Describe the characteristics of different map projections and transformations
  3. Explain data and table structures, including levels of measurements, normalization, and table joins
  4. Retrieve, inspect and use GIS data sources such as hydrological, demographic, land use, elevation, roads, health   statistics, etc.
  5. Use spatial joins to combine spatial data layers
  6. Analyze vector data using spatial interpolation, error, and estimation techniques
  7. Orthorectify imagery and graphics into a GISystem using control points
  8. Detect features in aerial imagery
  9. Analyze terrain of a digital elevation model including calculating slope, aspect and viewsheds
  10. Describe and use principles of cartography, geovisualization and interaction with data

Materials: Laptop computer is recommended. Students will be required to download QGIS.

Texts: Bolstad, P. and Mason, S. (2023) GIS Fundamentals. This book/online resource can be purchased online at Reading the book will help you prepare for lectures and exams.

Course Evaluation

Students are expected to attend all lectures, read readings, and complete all assignments. There will be no official final exam. Late submissions will be graded down by 10% for each day of delay past the due time. All assignments should be handed in on Canvas. We follow the Georgia Tech grading scale.

ContentNumber of AssignmentsTotal Points
GIS labs10 (mostly 6 pts each)60
GIS project110
Exams2 (15% and 15%)30
We also have a few bonus assignments that are given in class.

Course Format + Infrastructure

This is an in-person class. Lectures will be in person and will include hands-on lab times to give students more experience with geographic information systems and science. All lectures, readings, assignments are to be accessed through Canvas. Canvas is for general messaging, discussions, and file retrieval. Piazza is for students to help one another. Lectures will not be recorded, but we plan to record lab instruction and post the videos on Canvas under the Media Gallery soon after class.


Exams will be administered in person, and they are closed-book. Any accommodations through ODS will be granted, whether that is testing in the testing center, extra time, etc.

How to be Successful

Please engage in class. This means showing your fellow students that you are paying attention and that class time and instruction is important to you. Be present in the lectures and do the readings (Information about information visualization comes in sentence form!). While slides give key points and high-level topics discussed, much of the content of the course comes through the discussion, and other in-class activities. If you want to do well, attending class is important.

WeekDate TopicReading (GIS Fundamentals Book)
1Tu 1/7Introduction to Course, GIS  
1Th 1/9Lab 0: Cartography & Introduction to QGIS Introduction to Map Design (ESRI, 1996)
2Tu 1/14Vector Data + AttributesCH 1: Introduction
2Th 1/16Lab 1: Thematic mapping 
3Tu 1/21Projections + TransformationsCH 3: Geodesy, Datums, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems
3Th 1/23Lab 2: Projecting data 
4Tu 1/28Tables, Databases, Queries/SQLCH 8: Attribute Data and Tables
4Th 1/30Lab 3: GIS operations and analysis I
5Tu 2/4GIS Operations for Vector DataCH 9: Basic Spatial Analysis
5Th 2/6Lab 4:GIS operations and analysis II 
6Tu 2/11Editing and Creating DataCH 4: Maps, Data Entry, Editing, Output
6Th 2/13Lab 5: Geocoding, creating data, editing(spatial joins, clips, intersection, buffer)
7Tu 2/18Exam Review 
7Th 2/20Exam 1 
8Tu 2/25Raster Data + Imagery + DigitizingCH 6: Aerial and Satellite Images
8Th 2/27Lab 6: Orthorectification, digitizing + feature detection 
9Tu 3/4Raster Algebra + Raster OperationsCH 10: Topics in Raster Analysis
9Th 3/6Lab 7: Raster algebra   
10Tu 3/11Spring Break 
10Th 3/13Spring Break 
11Tu 3/18Terrain AnalysisCH 11: Terrain Analysis
11Th 3/20Lab 8: Terrain analysis 
12Tu 3/25No In Person Class – AAG 
12Th 3/27No In Person Class – AAG 
13Tu 4/1Point Patterns/Encapsulation & Project IntroductionCH 12: Spatial Estimation: Interpolation, Predication, and Core Area Delineation
13Th 4/3Spatial Statistics 
14Tu 4/10Lab 9: Point Patterns/Encapsulation
14Th 4/12Exam Review 
15Tu 4/17Exam 2 (not cumulative) 
15Th 4/19Project Help & Data Search GIS-T Body of Knowledge Cartography
16Tu 4/24Project Help 
16Th 4/26READING DAY: NO CLASSProject due date to be announced. No final exam.